Port 80 (common to Windows)

The MASQ node software relies on listening to port 80 to determine if requests need to be routed internally to the DNS proxy that sends traffic across the MASQ Network.

This is the error that will result in the logs:

2022-11-20 11:00:52 [DEBUG] stderr: "2022-11-20 17:00:52.902 Thd1: ERROR: PanicHandler: src\bootstrapper.rs:465:21 - Could not listen on port 80: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. (os error 10013)"

Sourcing your logs is important for Beta testing, and you can locate them depending on your Operating System below:

Daemon/Node Launch Logs - System logs in EventViewer

Daemon Logs: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\MASQ\MASQNode_daemon_rCURRENT

Node Logs:


Inspecting MASQ Log Files

Port Binding

Some Operating System services bind to port 80 (especially in Windows), which may include, but not limited to:

  • running Apache server

  • Torrent software

  • running Plex media server

  • Custom NAS configurations

  • Skype

  • W3SVC (IIS World Wide Web Publishing Service) (specific to Windows)

Finding Services using Port 80


  1. Open a cmd terminal

  2. Use this command to find out process that is using port 80: netstat -aon | findstr "80"

  3. This will display a table showing processes and the Process ID (PID) that are using port 80

  4. You can inspect that PID process is on there with: tasklist | findstr <PID>

  5. Go to Task Manager to inspect if it is a process that can be ended

  6. End that process if you can do so safely (if its not Windows PID 4, which is system process)

This video below is also helpful to 'free up' port 80.

Last updated