masq Interface

masq is a command-line prompt user interface (UI) to the MASQ Daemon and the MASQ Node

It is shipped as an executable and is run from a Terminal window - this binary is included in releases on the "MASQ Core" Node GitHub repo.

Below is the help output for commands used

masq> help

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --ui-port If the Daemon is listening for connections at some port other
        than 5333, specify that port here. Must be between 1025 and 65535. 
        [default: 5333]
    change-password      Changes the existing password on the Node database
    check-password       Checks whether the supplied db-password (if any) is the correct password for the Node's database
    configuration        Displays a running Node's current configuration.
    connection-status    Returns the current stage of the connection status. (NotConnected, ConnectedToNeighbor or ThreeHopsRouteFound)
    crash                Causes an element of the Node to crash with a specified message. Only valid if the Node has been started with '--crash-point message'
    descriptor           Displays the Node descriptor of the running MASQNode. Only valid if Node is already running.
    financials           Displays financial statistics of this Node. Only valid if Node is already running.
    generate-wallets     Generates a pair of wallets (consuming and earning) for the Node if they haven't been generated already.
    help                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    recover-wallets      Recovers a pair of wallets (consuming and earning) for the Node if they haven't been recovered already
    scan                 Orders the Node to perform an immediate scan of the indicated type
    set-configuration    Sets Node configuration parameters being enabled for this operation when the Node is running
    set-password         Sets an initial password on the Node database
    setup                Establishes (if Node is not already running) and displays startup parameters for MASQNode.
    shutdown             Shuts down the running MASQNode. Only valid if Node is already running.
    start                Starts a MASQNode with the parameters that have been established by 'setup.' Only valid if Node is not already running.
    wallet-addresses     Provides addresses of consuming and earning wallets.Only valid if the wallets were successfully generated (generate-wallets) or recovered (recover-wallets)

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