Configuring MASQ Node

You will need to add configuration of your Node before starting it and connecting to MASQ Network neighbors


(its usually in C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\MASQ on Windows)

Configuring using commands

MASQ Node lets you run in interactive-mode by running masq command from your binary directory - this will show a command line prefix of masq> indicating you are in interactive mode

From here you will be able to execute consecutive software commands.

Type setup to output the default settings

Here is an example on Windows cmd, in the second command window you will be using:

masq> setup
NAME                   VALUE                                        STATUS
blockchain-service-url                                              Required
chain                  mainnet                                      Default
clandestine-port                                                    Required
config-file            config.toml                                  Default
consuming-private-key  ******************************************** Blank
crash-point                                                         Blank
data-directory         C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\MASQ\mainnet    Default
db-password            ****************                             Required
dns-servers                                        Default
earning-wallet                                                      Blank
gas-price              1                                            Default
ip                                                                  Required
log-level              warn                                         Default
neighborhood-mode      standard                                     Default
neighbors                                                           Blank

Node cannot run as --neighborhood-mode standard without --ip specified


Notice there are headings for NAME of parameter, VALUE and STATUS

The STATUS column is important as it will tell the user which parameters are set, blank and defaulted.

Parameters with the 'Required' status will alert you when trying to start Node when they are not configured. In the above example, the ERROR message explains you cannot run without specifying your public IP address

Initial IP - Required Config

As a minimum to run the start command with --neighborhood-mode set to standard, you will need to specify an IP address for the node.

For local testing you can configure this to anything you wish, but to join Testnet on Mumbai and eventually Polygon mainnet, this will be your public IP address (the IP address facing the internet world on the outside of your router)

In interactive mode this is simple to change

masq> setup --ip
NAME                   VALUE                                        STATUS
blockchain-service-url                                              Required
chain                  mainnet                                      Default
clandestine-port                                                    Required
config-file            config.toml                                  Default
consuming-private-key  ******************************************** Blank
crash-point                                                         Blank
data-directory         C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\MASQ\mainnet    Default
db-password            ****************                             Required
dns-servers                                        Default
earning-wallet                                                      Blank
gas-price              1                                            Default
ip                                                 Set
log-level              warn                                         Default
neighborhood-mode      standard                                     Default
neighbors                                                           Blank


You can see the setup values are output again and the ip address is stored with STATUS as Set - the error message also goes away.

Setting Password --db-password

Node will require a password to encrypt the database sensitive information such as the consuming-private-key and any references to the mnemonic seed words.

Before Node is running, you can set this password using --db-password setup command

setup --db-password <VALUE>

masq> setup --db-password 1234

NAME                   VALUE                                        STATUS
blockchain-service-url                                              Required
chain                  mainnet                                      Default
clandestine-port                                                    Required
config-file            config.toml                                  Default
consuming-private-key  ******************************************** Blank
crash-point                                                         Blank
data-directory         C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\MASQ\mainnet    Default
db-password            ****************                             Set
dns-servers                                        Default
earning-wallet                                                      Blank
gas-price              1                                            Default
ip                                                 Set
log-level              warn                                         Default
neighborhood-mode      standard                                     Default
neighbors                                                           Blank


You must also start the Node and run the set-password command to initialize the database correctly for the current chain you have set.

See below

Password Commands While Node is Running

While Node is running, you must set the password interactively, without bringing down the Node instance

To configure the password while Node is running, there are 3 commands that interact with the --db-password parameter value:

  • set-password

  • check-password

    • USAGE: check-password [db-password]

  • change-password

    • USAGE: check-password <OLD-DB-PASSWORD> <NEW-DB-PASSWORD>

set-password simply sets the password - there are no default requirements

check-password will check the current db-password value is correct

change-password will change the current db-password value if correct current password is input

WARNING - the db-password VALUE can be set to a "" blank VALUE meaning that it can be saved without any character. Be careful when setting this.

Other Password Information

Whenever the database password is changed, the Node should send out a broadcast to all connected UIs (other than the one changing the password) notifying them that there has been a change.

Configuration using Config Toml

The easiest way to configure and save your settings is using a config.toml file - this will allow you to load all your configuration by passing in the config.toml when initializing the Daemon.

Below is an example config.toml file

  • Open up Notepad to create a new text file

  • Copy and Paste below, making sure each setting is preserved on its own line

  • Add values for your specific configuration in between the quote marks with x's marked "xxxxx"

  • clandestine-port - this is the port you want to keep using for MASQ to communicate in the network, so you can add a port forward and keep it the same in your router config - its best to choose one here thats 4-5 digits long. If left blank MASQ will randomly assign one.

  • db-password - this is a database password to encrypt sensitive information

  • ip - this is your public IP found on your computer network adaptor, or simply going to a site like

Saving the config.toml

After completing the parameter in the file, save it and make sure the file extension .toml

If your system asks to change file extension click Yes

Last updated