CORES Packages

A CORE(s) package is a series of instructions bundled in a way that allows each node within the network to receive just enough information to make a decision on how to handle a request. CORES stands for Client-Origin-Relay-Exit-Server

CORE(s) packages contain layers of requests that inform nodes how to perform one of three actions.

  1. Create the request

  2. Pass the request along

  3. Process the request.

Each Node that handles a CORES package plays a specific role in the life-cycle of the package route:

  • Client: This is the device that is initializing the request such as a browser, or a video game.

  • Originator: The identity of the originating request node.

  • Relay: Identifies Nodes that will be used to hop along routes to get to its destination.

  • Exit: The exit node will make the true web request on behalf of the originator and send it back along the route stack.

  • Server: Information about the server that is hosting the requested information.

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