
Is traffic routed through MASQ Node encrypted?

ABSOLUTELY - all traffic inbound and outbound is encrypted and other nodes in the network cannot neither inspect the contents, nor identify the route of the data through the network.

How is Network Routing Security Technically Designed?

This is arguably what stands out most about the MASQ Network technology when compared to other VPN, dVPN solutions (many are simply end-to-end client-server tunnels) or even Tor.

MASQ Node routes requests through a number of peers in hops but has the following dynamics for underlying network security:

  1. All HTTPS consuming traffic is already encrypted normally through the way modern Internet protocol operates.

  2. Uniquely in MASQ Network, the consuming traffic is encrypted by the TLS handshake between the browser and the server โ€“ all the CORES packages are encrypted with the keypairs your Node is using for Network traffic.

  3. The request payload is encrypted for the exit node ONLY and the response payloads are encrypted for the consuming origin ONLY.

Do other Nodes know my IP address?

Only a node directly connected to you (your immediate neighbor) will know your IP address. The only other identifier that could be known on the network is your Node's public key. Therefore, MASQ Node won't link any of the following together beyond your neighbors:

  • IP address

  • Consuming wallet

  • Earning Wallet

  • Node descriptor

Important to note: Consuming wallet is never part of any Gossip record

Unless you use the same wallet for both Consuming and Earning, no party but you will be able to directly associate your consuming wallet with your Node public key.

How has MASQ coded risk management into Node?

As the network grows and becomes available there will be a time when outside forces will want to intercept or prevent the network from being utilized in the way it was intended. To create another barrier to prevent malicious intent, data packages will be wrapped in a mask โ€“ this is referred to as โ€˜clandestine routing'

The first mask will be basic encryption methods used today โ€“ these masks will provide an extra layer of security similar to typical HTTPS traffic.

As development of more in-depth features for the network continues the goal is to create clandestine routes. Each CORES package will be wrapped in a layer of obscurity that will resemble different types of traffic.

Normally, traffic patterns viewed over time can be distinguishable. By masking packages in random traffic patterns, it deters typical packet sniffing and traffic analysis methods, and prevents the blocking of requests.

This entire layer will wrap around CORES packages and its various components before being handed off to other nodes

Can the Originating Node Detect who is an 'Exit Node'?

In general the answer is NO! - as long as the route is at least CORES (client, origin, relay, exit, server); however, in that case the R will know both the O and the E. If the route is CORRES or longer, no one Node will ever be able to determine both the origin and the exit. This is fundamentally why the 'MASQ' 3-hop route is the minimum recommended for untraceable (and in future clandestine) traffic across the MASQ Network.

MASQ is still in development and current has a Beta software that is not in final stage of it's development - Please do not do anything that may cause issues with your countries current rules and regulations MASQ Network and developers are not providing any guarantees (including guarantees of performance) or warranties of any kind, whether statutory, expressed, or implied (including all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and all warranties arising from course of dealing or usage of trade.)

Monetization Model

Testnet Polygon Amoy

How do I earn tMASQ using the software?

MASQ Network is currently on testnet Polygon Amoy, so the monetization component is done on the Amoy testnet with tMASQ tokens.

To check the current testnet token movements, see below link:

Mainnet Polygon

How do I earn $MASQ using the software?

When MASQ Network is official deployed on Polygon Mainnet, $MASQ tokens can be earned peer to peer, through routing requests across the network while sharing your bandwidth through the MASQ Node software.

MASQ official Token Contracts

How does the MASQ Node software make sure that Debts are paid?

This is cleverly designed by developers to be handled with scanning intervals and thresholds.

The Accountant Module keeps track of the balances of consuming wallets that are connected to you and your neighborhood. If debts are not paid after certain thresholds, then that node will be banned from consuming traffic on the network.

Also, if a MASQ user is trying to run Node without a consuming wallet specified, the software will shutdown with a warning that wallets are not configured correctly.

If a User does not have $MASQ and gas-token present (in testnet it detects tMASQ & MATIC) then they will also be banned by network peers.

How is the Monetization model Tracked?

MASQ Node operates for each user with two wallets specified:

  • Consuming Wallet โ€“ used to pay for services used by the user on the Network

  • Earning Wallet โ€“ used to store the payments for requests provided to other users on the Network

Users can specify an earning wallet address in the Node software to direct your earnings.

How is routing and browsing calculated?

Much like โ€˜balancing the booksสผ in accounting, the Node software makes use of an inbuilt Accountant Module. This module keeps track of payables (consuming traffic) and receivables (serving traffic) and will action payments when certain thresholds are reached.

The amounts are currently not exact as it is still in testing phase.

The Accountant Module scans the neighborhood every hour, and debts are to be paid each 24 hours.

Last updated