Compiling MASQ Node

To compile MASQ Node from source on GitHub here is a basic guide for Ubuntu, using rustup to install rustc

System Update

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo reboot now

Install Compilation Dependency

Development tools

$ sudo apt install curl git build-essential


$ curl --proto =https --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
When see "1) Proceed with installation (default)", press "ENTER" key to choose the default option.
$ source $HOME/.cargo/env

Compile MASQNode CLI

Download MASQNode source code

$ git clone node_src


$ node_src/node/ci/ $ node_src/dns_utility/ci/

Install MASQNode

Copy compiled binaries to /.local/bin

$ mkdir -p .local/bin
$ cp node_src/node/target/release/masq .local/bin/
$ cp node_src/node/target/release/MASQNode .local/bin/

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